Sunday, September 16, 2012

Overcoming the Fear of Squareness

Suffering from Quadratumphobia might not be that bad, you say? Well, it does cause a bit of discomfort if you live in a perfectly square house and also when trying to make square objects of any kind. The house thing is no longer an issue since we moved into this old house of ours, where everything is very off-level. Like very. Lego isn't an option at all, but I can live with that. But sometimes a woman can have the need for creating square things, like a purse, for instance. I've worked with this phobia of mine, and made a few square things:

All fabric: natural dyed, of course and using re-used fabrics. The purse on the top is made from the trousers my husband wore when we were married. Romantic, eh? Batting: old linens. Zippers: from second hand stores. I have a thing with old zippers. Embroidery yarn: second hand too.
Dragonfly: (deceased) found by little S under a pallet in a pet shop. He has a thing with bugs & insects. (He does not suffer from Acarophobia). 
I found an on-line phobia list - it's kind of funny. How about Barophobia- Fear of gravity? Or Disposophobia- Fear of throwing stuff out ... – DANG! I just realised I've got another phobia!! Well, never mind about that - that's one of the good phobias!
If the Quadratumphobia doesn't prevent me from making more square things like these – do you think I could sell them?


  1. Jo mere man sætter sig ind i sygdomme og lignende, jo flere sygdomme lider man af :)
    Meget smukke FIRKANTET punge !
    Især har jeg forelsket med i den med broderiet.
    Selvfølgelig kan du sælge dem! Især når/hvis du samtidig fortæller dens historie-

    1. Tak! Ja, du har nok ret i dét med historien, det er jo også dét der gør at jeg selv holder af disse ting :)

  2. Jeg synes, du skaber nogle helt unikke smukke ting og hele tanken bag - både genbrug og naturfarvning og håndlavet - får det hele til at gå op i en højere enhed. Jeg kan kun erklære mig enig med Losarinas mor :-)

    Og lige en kommentar til indlægget nedenfor... du er en smuk, smuk kvinde og det er dejligt at se dig,,, se hvem der er kvinden bag denne skønne blog :-)

    1. Tusind tak, Lotte! Jeg er altså slet ikke smuk, men det er supersødt af dig at sige det :)

  3. I think so mona, unless it causes you so much stress that you spend all the money on therapy. ;^D


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